鳳凰于飛,石美芳作品。2019韓國首爾IHO競賽 金牌 |
很高興來韓國首爾參加 IHO大賽 ,造型上運用了髮片藝術、髮片編織、配飾設計、美容美髮、創意彩繪、包頭梳理等技巧,呈現出「承天予禧」的設計理念,以中國風的創意形式來詮釋當代應用藝術在美容美髮上的實踐
#designart #makeup #hairstyle #makeupartist
#updostyles #koreanmakeupcompetition #fantasylook #ShihMeiFang #creativemakeup #fantasymakeup
I am very happy to come to Seoul, South Korea to participate in the IHO competition. I used the techniques of hair piece art, hair piece weaving, accessory design, make-up technique, creative painting, and updo styling to present the design concept of "Blessing Happiness". The creative form to interpret the practice of contemporary applied art in beauty salons. The body is beautiful and the spirit is beautiful. Fantasy phoenix's long feathers flow in the clouds, gold, red and yellow swaying in the sky, the shape and image are like if there is a whisper.
歡迎來找美芳老師學習髮片藝術設計與製作 |
包頭梳理、配飾設計與製作 |
精緻彩繪化妝 |
於韓國競賽現場完成作品 |
感謝吳芷霖同學擔任我的模特兒 |